Thursday, June 25, 2009


Here we go again... Vacation week is upon us and we're staying up all night packing. I am not sure how come we can never get it done in time. Chris concluded that when we're doing well, we start stalling and end up doing other things. Probably true. It would likely help if we had the house prepped for the trip a bit sooner than doing it at the last moment.

Either way, in slightly over a week, we'll post some exotic, fun and exciting pictures from our European travels. Weather is not favoring us the first few days but we're planning on not allowing that to ruin our fun.

Time to departure, 2 hours. Current time, 2AM. It sure feels like vacation already. :)

Monday, June 15, 2009

Really BIG jeans

Well, Croatia now has a dubious distinction of having put together a largest pair of jeans. Why would anyone even think of doing something like that? Sure, they've raised around $10,000 for charity (some 50,000 kuna). It might have made more sense to take the jeans and donate them to the needy along with time and resources that were used to stitch this thing together. I think that might have done more good.

You can read the whole story here: