Tuesday, October 23, 2007


The kids are getting adjusted to the new house very well. Since we’ve moved, I’ve noticed that more and more often I find them gone to their rooms playing on their own. They didn’t used to do that before.
So the other day I am walking by Mia’s room. Then something stopped me in my tracks. I heard Ivor saying: “Mia, do you want a makeover?” Then they both proceeded to walk past me to get a chair for Mia. They went back and Ivor, sporting a serious, professional look on his face, gave her a makeover. Painted her face up nicely.

Where in the world did he learn a word makeover to begin with? Secondly, I hardly ever wear any make up these days. I couldn’t have been their inspiration. I was surprised to hear Mia ask me to buy her a play make up set a month or two ago. I was even more surprised that Ivor was quite familiar with it. Go figure. Mia was pleased with the result and when they were done they both got a bath. Seems to me that soon I’ll be learning make up tips and tricks from them.

Anyone need a free makeover?

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Gone Fishin'

Saturday was a fun day. Ivor got to go to a "fishing school." He has been asking me for well over a year to take him fishing. Neither Chris nor I know anything about fishing though. Honestly, we don't have much interest in learning either.

At the fishing school, school aged kids (Ivor must have been the youngest one there) were invited to attend a 3 hour outdoor session to learn more about the environment and to learn how to fish. Each got a fishing pole to use and take home afterwards. They had a little snack and got diplomas at the end. The event was originally scheduled two weeks ago but it rained quite hard so it was cancelled then. This Saturday didn't look so great either. It was quite cold (about 42F). However, the sun came out, we dressed well and had a fun day out and about. Ivor wore his rain boots so he could even splash around the shallow water looking for animals and insects. I helped translate while we were taught about the local animal population.

Chris and Mia walked about and played during that time.

Then Ivor went fishing. His daddy gets a lot of credit for that one. I tried putting on the first worm but did a lousy job. I didn't know that they had to be live and I just had a hard time dealing with it. Chris then helped and kept up with Ivor so he wouldn't get hurt by the hook.

Ivor caught four little fish and was proud to show them off. However, he wouldn't touch them once they were on the fishing line. Couple of hours later everyone was hungry and tired. Then we all got some ice cream (even though it was cold) and headed home.

I was so excited for Ivor. He finally got to go fishing like he wanted. At the end of the day I asked him what was his favorite part of the day. He said watching Harry Potter later on in the day with Domagoj. That was disappointing. Still, I think that both Ivor and Mia had a memorable day.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Time is just flying by

It's been busy lately and I just realized that our trip to US is in just 19 days. Wow, we still have much preparation to do so we can be away for a month. Don't be surprised if you run into us somewhere around Birmingham then. :) See you all soon!