Sunday, October 29, 2006

Finally here

Here we are, finally getting started with a six week delay. I suppose better late than never, right? I wanted to start our family blog so it would be easier to keep up with and share with our many friends all over the world. It's a lot easier to share information this way anyway and we don't have to worry about overcrowding your e-mails with numerous pictures. I had these grand ideas about learning how to host my own blog and make my very own templates and have control over the whole thing... Those of you that know me well will nod their heads. Overachiever in me couldn't resist. It took six weeks for me to come to my senses, throw in the towel (I really don't have much free time) and decide to just use one of many free blogging services. I suppose it made sense. It only took 5 minutes to set up as opposed to hours it would have taken me otherwise.

I'll try to go back to my notes and fill in the blanks about things that happened over the last six weeks. That way our story is complete. I'll also dig up some pictures to document the events. Keep up with us and let us know what's new in your lives too. We've already heard some happy news about people getting engaged and new babies on the way. We love hearing about that.

Chris has also promised to contribute to the blog on a regular basis. His take on the events here is quite different from mine and I am sure that his posts will be interesting to read.

Talk to you all again soon...


  1. Hey, thanks for the link. You said "one chubby cat." What happened to the other one? I can't wait to read about your last 6 weeks.

  2. Other chubby cat has a new home as of November 2005. They argued too much so we decided to split them up. I think it was a good move. They both appear to be very happy with the arrangements.
