Thursday, November 23, 2006

Thanksgiving post

First of all, HAPPY THANKSGIVING everyone! It's a boring, regular day here but I know that it's a little more fun (and delicious) in the US today. My sister suggested that I make a turkey for everyone here but I graciously declined. :) Maybe next year when I have my own kitchen and when I don't feel so out of place. We've been so welcomed here but I can't really fully set up house until we're on our own and our things (pictures, toys, beds, dishes...) are out of storage and back in use. Then we'll really know we're home again. I must say it's exciting to watch our place being built. Everything is taking shape and I can really see us liking it there.

In the meantime we're trying to make the best of things. We're enjoying the city and the people. I've attached a couple of pictures from two weeks ago. Kids were feeding pigeons on the main city square downtown. They loved it. Click on the images to enlarge them.

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