Wednesday, February 07, 2007


We've been here for over 4 months and I finally made it to McDonald's. Haven't had any burgers or any french fries for four entire months. I am not a big meat eater but the fully loaded burger sure was tasty. Now the interesting thing is that the meat actually tasted better. It was better quality and it was grilled. Didn't have greasy juices dripping off of it. The facility was cleaner and nicer than any US-based McDonald's that I've been to. Service was great too. That was the good part. Now the bad part was the price. Here are a few interesting facts you should know before visiting a foreign McDonald's.

No free refills. As a matter of fact, Croatian language doesn't even have a word refill. You can say "fill again" but that's not the same, is it? Now here is the kicker, you have to pay for ketchup. I know! I can't believe it either. It's 2 kunas (about 30 cents) per packet. Granted, the packets are larger but still... I am not used to having to pay for the condiments. Same for mayo. If you want extra, you got to pay. Considering the cost, we probably won't go back much. I could have ordered three pizzas for that price (pizza is cheaper here). Still, it tasted good.

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