Thursday, August 30, 2007

We've had better days

Today was just one of those not so great days. Certainly, there have been worse days but it still hasn't been too much fun. After daycare I took kids to the store to get some new shoes. Besides getting stuck in traffic, we found absolutely nothing we liked, and it started raining quite a bit as we were heading home. I started not feeling so well. Several hours later it's turned into some sort of a mild stomach virus. I really dislike vomiting so this is worse for me than being in pain. I must have gotten it from Mia (who was sick a couple of days ago) who probably got it from Ivor (who was sick some three days before that). To top it all of, Chris finally got the dreaded news that his work contract won't be extended so in a couple of weeks he'll be unemployed again. We should just go to sleep before anything else happens. I hear that at least the cold and rainy weather will start improving by tomorrow.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

License to drive

We're glad to share with you that Chris is now an owner of a proper Croatian license in addition to his previously obtained ID card (In Croatia those are two separate cards unlike in the US). We're both quite excited about it. We've been here for 11 months and I drove during that whole time. Even though I enjoy driving, I have to admit that it was starting to get hard not to get an occasional break. He was very patient until we managed to take care of all of the other very important things like housing, mortgage, immigration... We managed to collect appropriate paperwork (including a document from the Alabama DMV) and based on that he got his license without having to take a driving exam. He's doing well finding his way round here. Should he get lost, you're sure to hear about it in the blog. :)

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Chocolate plight

I really, really miss being able to buy chocolate chips. I finally managed to locate that dangerous chocolate bundt cake recipe and now I just need finished chocolate chips so I don’t have to cut up my own chocolate. Two dangers here – one, I could potentially chop off a finger (those are precious for blog typing) and two, I could potentially eat the chocolate before it is chopped up and it would never make it to the cake. Not that I’ve never just opened a bag of chocolate chips and eaten them before. I would never…

I did manage to make the yummy cake for Saturday though. We had our first official guests over. Kind of like a mini housewarming party. Some of my friends came (knew them since we were in diapers) and some food and drink (nonalcoholic only) was to be had. It really was fun. I hope to be able to do it again soon. I suppose I should start taking those pictures of the place for you. I am guessing that it won't get cleaned up much more than it already is. :) Give me a week. I'll try to post something.

Friday, August 17, 2007

Mirror, mirror on the wall...

Or shall I say the lack of one. Read on and I'll explain... :) We've been officially moved in for a month (YAY!). It feels like the place's been ours forever though. Chris was surprised when I told him that it's been only a month as he's convinced that it's definitely been longer. We've put some of our things on the walls, bought a couple of pieces of furniture, the kitchen stuff is in place (now if I could only cook something edible). Very nice overall. When people come visit they don't even realize that one crucial thing is missing -- a mirror. We have one tiny little mirror in the main bathroom so Chris can at least shave. Other than that, we're unconcerned by our appearances and meander around with food stuck between our teeth and shirts messed up (just kidding). :) Well, sort of. Anyway. I've been the difficult one and haven't liked any bathroom mirrors we've seen so far and we haven't had much time to go look for one. So, we've been mirrorless until we figure out how to proceed. I am thinking that it really is time to do something about it. Say we try to find something next week so we can move on and see. People might start thinking that we're vampires or something. In case you are not "learned" that way, vampires don't see their reflections in the mirrors so they don't have any or would drape them with cloth. Makes you wonder how come all of the movie vampires are always so good looking and put together with perfect makeup if they can't see themselves in the mirror. Shall I point out that we typically go to bed between 2 and 4am. Except we don't fly around like bats looking for fine, edible treats. We sit around staring at the computer screen, wasting our eyesight and our wrists and work to make a living. Or write blogs when we should be sleeping...