Monday, February 04, 2008

Computer "fixup"

My laptop has been "down" for some 6 weeks now. Simply couldn't boot it up at all. That was annoying and concerning but I moved to our secondary computer whose main purpose it to serve as a backup unit should my laptop malfunction. So I did. Then, last week the kid computer went down. So the family of three computers suddenly shrank down to one. That left one computer for us to fight over. Yes, including kids. Even Mia at the tender age of three has an array of games that she likes to play on her own. She's mastered the mouse and the keyboard and totally "gets" computers already. When I was three we were lucky to have a turntable. I think... Maybe those weren't out yet at that point. Anyway, today Chris fixed both computers and order will soon move back into our family's electronic world. The balance has been restored.

1 comment:

  1. I knew there must have been some reason why you keep Chris around. Always handy to have your very own tech support hanging around. Doug
