Thursday, June 19, 2008

The sky is falling

I did a couple of all nighters in a row helping out with a big, time-sensitive project at work. After a record breaking 18-hour shift, I was understandably exhausted. I helped get kids ready for school and went to bed. They woke me up at 5:30pm when Chris brought them back. Looking concerned, Chris asked me if I had heard anything while sleeping. Understandably, I heard nothing. Deep asleep there was no waking me up. Apparently while I was asleep, a large piece of plaster fell off the ceiling crashing down on the floor below. Wow! I am suspecting that the plaster was aggravated because of the stairs we've put in to connect two otherwise separate condo units to make a larger home. The stairwell opening still needs finishing touches; concrete still showing around the opening. Well, the builder still agreed to come fix the damage so we have someone over taking care of it as we speak. As a bonus it looks like we'll get a freebie and have the concrete covered up and prettied up. So, in retrospect, it all worked out for the best. Still, once is enough. I'd prefer the ceiling stay where it's supposed to in the future.

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