Friday, November 14, 2008

All I want for Christmas is...

Instead of sending Santa a letter, Chris usually sends me an e-mail with his Christmas wish list. I don't comment on it but make a purchase. By the time Christmas comes around he forgets about his e-mail and then he's pleasantly surprised about his great gift. His wife is so talented that she always knows just what to get. The system works. Until this year. He's so excited about what he wants that he's sent an e-mail and then followed up with a phone call (from work) and then talked about it at home. Repeatedly. I get the hint. I am not that dense.

So last night he brings it up again and actually asks if I had ordered it. And, if I hadn't ordered it that he'll do it the next day just to make sure that he got what he wanted. This is unusual behavior so I had to learn more about it. What he wants for Christmas is a new Fallout 3 computer game. But not just any Fallout 3 will do. He wants the "limited edition." And those go quickly he says. Because they only make so many and he just really wanted one. And it will be sold out so he'd better order one. Limited edition or regular, it is the same game, I said. Nooooooo, he replied with a straight face. Limited edition comes with a LUNCHBOX! That was an excited reply of a 36 year old man who hasn't used a lunchbox since elementary school. Oh yeah, it comes with a bobble-head action figure (read: doll) as well. I bet kids won't be allowed to touch it. LOL.

1 comment:

  1. My brothers are both playing Fallout 3 and loving it. I wish I had time for computer gaming these days. I have to enjoy it by proxy. Did Chris get his heart's desire for Christmas? :) I am a lousy penpal but all the same hope you and your family are doing well. -Ben A. from Georgia, USA
