Friday, July 17, 2009

Summer heat

Summer finally remembered to visit Croatia. June was cold and rainy. But, finally, the sun came out and temperatures skyrocketed. The temp has been into the 90s for the past couple of days. No big deal, right? Just stay indoors and drink lots of water. Well, we don't have air conditioning yet so indoors has been hot! We have one portable fan per person in the house and move them along with us. We've also installed three ceiling fans which is highly unusual for Croatia. People usually don't have ceiling fans in private homes. Fans are helping us live through the heat. I am thinking that we'll just have to spend the money and get it done for next year. It just seems like such an unnecessary expense as it gets truly hot here for maybe a month out of the year. Still, during that month, I am thinking that it would be worth every penny (that would be every "lipa" here).

The unusual thing is that Croats don't really seem to like air conditioning their homes. Quite a few people that I know do have air conditioning installed in their apartments, yet they don't use it even when it is oppressively hot like it is now. Others claim that they would never, ever want to have one. Now, I can understand if they say that because it's expensive and it uses a lot of electricity. On the contrary, claims are that then it gets too cold and that the AC will make them sick. I sure could use one now to prove them just how wrong they are.

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