Friday, February 12, 2010

Baby talk

A friend of mine had a baby a few days ago. Things went well. Little one is at home. Haven't seen her yet though. It's not as simple here. I talked to her on the phone and she told me that she was sharing a room with 5 other women. That automatically discounts the option of going to visit her. No visitors. I assume no flowers, balloons or cards that I so thoroughly enjoyed when giving birth to my babies at Birmingham's Brookwood hospital. I had my own room and Chris could stay with me and assist me. Had a private bathroom. Had family come into the delivery room minutes after birth. Visitors came and went all day. Had the baby with me whenever I wanted. All of those things were so very important to me. Yes, giving birth hurt more than I could have imagined, but the overall experience was overwhelmingly positive. Wouldn't ever want to give that one up.

If I had to give birth in Croatia I would have. There wouldn't have been a choice and I wouldn't have known any better. If I had to do it now... I would say no way, no how. It makes me sad as I feel that these women are getting cheated out of starting things right with their little ones. As if things weren't going to get hard enough once you get home.

At this particular hospital, my friend says, they sleep from 10pm-6am. That means that babies are bottle fed overnight. And during the day babies are brought over at prescheduled intervals, not necessarily when baby is crying. All that I could think of is poor little wailing babies that want to be held and loved and want to help their mother's milk come in instead of getting a bottle. Lack of privacy, no bonding opportunities and inability for my loved ones to come and visit (other than in the hallway) would have been hardest ones for me to stomach.

On the other hand, this is probably like Ritz-Carlton compared to conditions at some other countries. Still, I can't help but be exceptionally thankful that I was allowed a great childbirth experience. What a shame not every mother can.

1 comment:

  1. Windy Cooke (Jones)5/11/2010 4:40 PM

    That is an amazing blog post. We are pretty spoiled here in the States. Childbirth was the most amazing and positive experience for me too - especially the second time when I declined the epidural.
