Thursday, August 30, 2007

We've had better days

Today was just one of those not so great days. Certainly, there have been worse days but it still hasn't been too much fun. After daycare I took kids to the store to get some new shoes. Besides getting stuck in traffic, we found absolutely nothing we liked, and it started raining quite a bit as we were heading home. I started not feeling so well. Several hours later it's turned into some sort of a mild stomach virus. I really dislike vomiting so this is worse for me than being in pain. I must have gotten it from Mia (who was sick a couple of days ago) who probably got it from Ivor (who was sick some three days before that). To top it all of, Chris finally got the dreaded news that his work contract won't be extended so in a couple of weeks he'll be unemployed again. We should just go to sleep before anything else happens. I hear that at least the cold and rainy weather will start improving by tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. But at least you get to come back home to your own house. I'm sure things will get better. We're watching a lot of tennis. I saw Karlovic play the other day, too bad he lost. Your neighbors the Serbs are having a good year so they might place well.
