I had to introduce to you this little, adorable critter that my sister and her kids adopted not so long ago. When the pooch joined the family she was a toothless little snowball, so tiny she still had to be bottle fed. Of course the puppy stage lasted extremely briefly and she grew by leaps and bounds within days it seemed.
Meet Lory.

Lory stayed with us for four days while my sister was out of town. She desperately tried to get us to fall in love with her by pooping and peeing her way through the living room and by chewing on everything in sight. While nobody can deny Lory extreme cuteness and endless energy, her little stay with us helped me remember while I so adore my (nearly) perfect cat.
My kitty is a soft, lovable, and above all clean creature that is happy to lounge around and sleep all day without any needs for potty breaks at 5:00am. She supervises my exercising efforts while perching on her cat tree and trying to catch the handle of the elliptical trainer and the she'll happily sit in my lap while we watch TV. She's next to me right now lounging away on one of her cat beds (she has quite a few sleeping spots) a few inches from my laptop. Go cat people! :)
That's not a dog. Come over. I'll show you a dog.