Sunday, October 19, 2008

Got to brag a little

My sister and I have been working on a pet project for three years now. First we just talked about it over the phone, then we put it on paper, then we started taking actual steps to make something happen... After many, many, many hours of work, we launched an education portal ( on September 1st. That's why I haven't been blogging much. As it turns out, working on a site like that requires a whole lot more spare time than I could have anticipated. Since I have a paying job in addition to this new hobby of mine, I've been scrambling to find free time. In addition, I am just learning the software that runs the site as I go along, so there are still quite a few things that I'd like to have fixed. However, the site is humming along and we're starting to get regular visitors. I figured, within a year or so, we'll have us a decent little site going.

Last week we experienced our very first hacker attack. The IP was "hijacked" and it attempted to download PDFs onto users' local machines and it tried redirecting to their site. This is entirely new territory for me and I had absolutely no clue as to where to start. After much searching, reading, digging and complaining, I managed to locate the evil code and bid it farewell. I am so proud of myself as honestly, I had no clue what I was doing. For now, things are OK and will hopefully stay that way as I've spent a huge amount of time trying to figure this out. I hope this bragging doesn't come back to bite me in the ***. If it does, you're sure to hear about it. Back to work now...

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