Friday, September 14, 2007

New school

Ivor and Mia have just completed their second week at the new school. It's further out than the last one so we now have to worry about the daily traffic but hopefully it'll be worth it. We've joined a Montessori program. They have a small group of only 23 preschoolers. All other kids are grades 1-5. All together the school has some 100 or so students (I haven't seen updated numbers for this school year). Next year Ivor will start first grade there and hopefully Mia as well when she's big enough. So far things have been going very nicely and smoothly. The teachers are taking interest in the kids and asking us relevant questions. Their group is small; environment is nice. Almost sounds too good to be true. Ivor even has a little American buddy, Ian, in his group. Ian is also 6. Apparently his family moved to Zagreb from Texas. Ivor loves it because he has another bilingual friend in addition to his Canadian buddy, Daniel that we play with when we can. We also saw another family there that Chris met through the language classes. Their daughter is now in first grade. All in all, many new friends are being made.

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