Thursday, September 06, 2007

Put on the jackets

Just last week it was quite hot. It was in the high 80s low 90s during the day and we all thought that it would be nice if it cooled off a little. A little, mind you, not a whole lot! Temperature plummeted over the course of past two days. This evening, I decided that it was officially cold enough to turn on the heat. So I've cranked up a couple of radiators to get the temperature up. Chris thinks its funny but I disagree. Today's high was 53 and low 47. To me temperature in the 40s is a sufficient reason for heating. I see that Birmingham is still balmy. I'll have to come by...

1 comment:

  1. Hey, hey, hey! Y'all come!

    We'll have two rooms ready for you. But you better hurry, it's starting to cool off here too. Only got up to 92 deg(F) today!

    LY!Grandpa in Bham
