Sunday, December 23, 2007

White Christmas

It looks like we're having a white Christmas this year. Light snow is forecast for Christmas Eve and Christmas morning. Now we're just missing a fireplace to complete the picture. :) Temperatures outside have been quite chilly but we're staying nice and warm in our new place so it's not been difficult to deal with the cold... yet, anyway. Chris even bought us a couple of snow shovels. It'll be great to use them for the first time. Subsequent times will probably become a nuisance though, but oh well... can't all be great, right? I started baking yesterday and plan on making several different deserts for Christmas. This is also a time of the year for visiting. We've had some friends and my godparents visit today. On Christmas we'll go to see family. Next Saturday we're planning a party at our house. All in all, things are happening. :) Last weekend we went to a real Croatian wedding (Chris' first). I'll have to write up a bit about that too.

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