Friday, February 27, 2009

Fit and trim (as if)

The last decade of my life has been sprinkled with failed attempts to get to the gym long term. A couple of months at a time just doesn't cut it as you might imagine. Still, I am one of those people that don't lose hope. Despite having less and less free time (as if that is even possible) I have, yet again, enrolled in a gym. Just to spice things up, I've done things differently this time. I am starting to regret it already. I've signed the kids up as well. They can go to a sports playroom where they hang out on a trampoline, climb a climbing wall, tackle an obstacle course, play soccer... They've decided that it's a lot of fun and now they are pestering me all the time to go. So now I have to go. So now everything hurts and I can barely climb the stairs. Naturally, it would have been wimpy to start out again with regular Yoga. It had to be power Yoga. Oh, the pain, the pain... Should we take bets to see how long I last this time?

Work desk feng shui

My work desk, over time mysteriously fills up with interesting, at times morbid stuff, courtesy of my kids. They randomly bring stuff over and then never retrieve it. Today, I have the pleasure of being observed by a decapitated Squidword and a prince doll whose torso is torn in half. Both are patiently awaiting an opportunity to get acquainted with some glue so they can feel whole again. Instead of office supplies, on my desk I currently have a Power Rangers mask, a green play phone, a shamrock lei, a handmade Christmas ornament and a cardboard Valentine's day heart. Now I just need an Easter bunny and my collection will be complete. No wonder I often don't have room for a notepad and a pen.

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Facing the Facebook (finally)

Well, I've finally joined Facebook. I really didn't want to as I already have too many profiles and passwords and pages to keep up with. But... I've finally caved to peer pressure. There, I said it. :)

Anyway, I see that I've gone a record two months without a blog post. I've just been insanely busy so it may be a while before I get back to regular blogging business. So, really quickly, here is a summary. We went to the US for 3 weeks over Christmas. I've worked while there. Then we went to Disney World for several days. We had an absolutely wonderful time. Then we went back to Zagreb and I've been hard at work since. Not too much to report other than that we have some 1500+ (no, it's not a typo) photos from Disney. Maybe I'll even share a few when I have some time.