Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Facing the Facebook (finally)

Well, I've finally joined Facebook. I really didn't want to as I already have too many profiles and passwords and pages to keep up with. But... I've finally caved to peer pressure. There, I said it. :)

Anyway, I see that I've gone a record two months without a blog post. I've just been insanely busy so it may be a while before I get back to regular blogging business. So, really quickly, here is a summary. We went to the US for 3 weeks over Christmas. I've worked while there. Then we went to Disney World for several days. We had an absolutely wonderful time. Then we went back to Zagreb and I've been hard at work since. Not too much to report other than that we have some 1500+ (no, it's not a typo) photos from Disney. Maybe I'll even share a few when I have some time.

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