Friday, January 19, 2007

A hurricane?

I thought that by moving to Zagreb I would leave behind tornadoes and hurricanes. That simply doesn't happen around here, right? Well, turns out that I was wrong. A hurricane came through yesterday. Apparently it swept through Great Britain and Spain and kept going inward. We had some high winds yesterday but no major damage. No rain though. When Kyril swept through last night, it felt much like when Katrina swept through Birmingham. Sounded bad, but went by and today we have low wind and sunny skies. Kids got scared though and couldn't go to sleep because of the sounds the wind made so they both ended up in my bed all huddled up like puppies. That was kind of nice. Today it's business as usual. As for tornadoes, I believe they get them in Great Britain but I don't think it's ever happened here.

January here has turned out to be the warmest one in recorded history, just like December. I keep promising Ivor some snow but that hasn't happened yet either. Last year they had a good bit so I felt safe when I promised it to him. I've heard some talk of possibility of snow on Tuesday or Wednesday. Forecast also says that it wouldn't really last either. If it snows, we'll have to take a day off from daycare and build at least one snowman if at all possible. Otherwise, Ivor will be very upset with me for making promises I couldn't keep.


  1. I didn't thik you would have hurricanes either. Interesting. The house is looking good.

    Your husband should be coming over tonight. We'll give him a hug and nice American cheeseburger.

  2. Thanks for helping take care of him. :)
