Friday, January 26, 2007

Learning to speak

Mia said her first full sentence in Croatian this morning. I was very excited when she addressed Ivor in Croatian. We actually don't know how much they know. The kids are just absorbing things and they seem to be understanding a lot more as days progress but I never know exactly how much. We're not pressuring them in any way so we still speak English amongst ourselves. I believe that might be slowing down the process a little but it does help them feel more secure. They spend the day at daycare surrounded by the new language. Today at pick up time, the teacher excitedly waited for us to tell us that Mia spoke a whole sentence to her in Croatian. She didn't know about our linguistically exciting morning. The kid is on her way to getting it. Ivor is doing very well too and is asking about many new words but I haven't had a breakthrough moment like that with him yet. Chris is doing well also but kids will surpass him in no time. We've expected that. Pretty soon they'll be able to talk behind his back and he won't know what they're saying. :)


  1. Sjajna osoba! Tvoj obitelj je vrlo oštra bol! Ja mogao nikada učiti Hrvatski!

  2. Do you know who I am?

  3. anonymous, no I don't know who you are.

    Doug, that was terrific. Do youknow what you said? :)

    "Terrific person! Your (male gender used) family is very sharp pain! I may never to learn Croatian!" :)

  4. That is what we thought it said, but since the online translator said that was what I wanted to say, then I said it. It is fairly close to Russian so I knew it would make for a comic moment.
