Tuesday, March 20, 2007


True to the forecast and one day before the first official day of spring, we woke to snow flurries. The flurries soon turned into large clumps of snow. It was beautiful to see, not so fun to drive in. Three hours later it stopped and melted by the afternoon. I hear that it will still be cold tomorrow. Hopefully, it won't last. Then, we can put up our winter jackets. Again.


  1. If my count is correct, Chris should be getting back in country within the next week? Is that the case? If so, welcome home!

    2 1/2 months until I storm into Zagreb!

  2. Funny you should mention it... he's on the plane as we speak, waiting to take off from the Atlanta airport in the next 4 minutes or so. He'll be back to us within hours. I am also sure you'll be pleased to learn that the builder heard that you're coming to Zagreb and has agred to complete all construction so we can move in. That will insure maximum comfort during your stay. I know that you wouldn't have it any other way :)
