Monday, March 12, 2007

The evils of exercise

Now, can you believe that we've moved six months ago. We've managed to organize the move, pack everything, cancel ALL of our accounts, forward mail... Wow, what an achievement. No, wait; there's one thing that's left. GYM MEMBERSHIP! Can't get it cancelled. Can you believe the blood suckers. I submitted everything necessary in September. When they tell you that you can cancel the contract in case you move, they're lying through their teeth. To make it worse, the annual contract renewal is up so you'd figure that I could cancel it based on that. Not even that! Still automatically renewed and they've sent the bills. You've got to be kidding me. This is sufficient for someone to go postal. Have you ever seen that episode of Friends where Chandler pays for his gym membership for years because he can't get it cancelled? Yep, probably based on a true story. This is why we all get fat, because we're afraid to sign up at any of these places.

1 comment:

  1. That is tough. We've canceled (and rejoined and canceled and rejoined and finally canceled) the Y several times the last year. They let you cancel any time, but still charge you for a final month. The time that I canceled, I quoted Chandler and said 'I want to quit the gym'. The person gave me sort of a blank look, so we might be the only ones who have seen that.
