Friday, August 06, 2010

In conclusion

I've been in the US for two weeks already. How time flies. I've had a lot on my mind and have been considering abandoning the blog. I haven't done as well as I should have or could have. I always had a lot of topics to write about over the past four years but never made enough time. Blog was to serve as a small way to stay in touch with friends and family an ocean away. Though the entries were not too frequent, it was still nice to do it. So, I thought, instead of abandoning the page, I figured that it would be good to keep writing. But, in all fairness, it's time to switch the audience. I'll start writing in Croatian for my dear friends and family who are once again far away and whom I will miss. And maybe that way I can share with them a little bit about the way of life in the US. I bet that a few of you will likely be unable to tame your curiosity and will Google translate the entries just for fun. Good luck to you and may you be entertained as the Google translator knows how to get creative.

(post edit, 10 minutes later)

Or.... Maybe I'll have to get really creative and post in both languages and mix it up a little. Now that would keep you on your toes. You'd never know what to expect.


  1. Good luck on your new adventure! I've enjoyed reading your blog posts. I may never go to Croatia but at least I have an idea what it is like there. You should definitely do the same for your Croatian friends! Alabama can make for some interesting tales :)

  2. It's a really nice place to live. But then again, so is Alabama. Despite that wretched heat and now a big thunderstorm raging outside. :)
