Monday, July 30, 2007

Family milestone

Last weekend marked another big milestone in our family life. All of you with kids will surely appreciate the importance of this important event. Mia finally accepted that she's a big girl and that she needs to use the potty, not diapers. She's still wearing a diaper at night but hopefully that will soon go as well. That will mean an end of a 6 and a half year "dirty diaper" period. Wow! It sure doesn't seem like it.


  1. I enjoyed reading your blogs. Here we are, one Bosnian, one American, two confused kids and one chubby and extremely annoying beagle. Picked up and moved to Bosnia. Our original plan was Zagreb, we stayed there for about a month but jobs are hard to find, even for educated, qualified Americans ;). My father literally gave us his house in Bosnia and moved to his apartment. We were fortunate enough to ship a car so we did not have to spend millions of euros buying one.
    Oh, yea, I am Merima, my husband is Frank, our boys, Riyad Aidan and Izar Robert are 4 and 2 and driving us crazy.
    I am glad to hear that someone else had taken this step. Let’s see how things turn out. We have been here since January, and so far so good. We visit Zagreb regularly. Feel free to e-mail me any time,

  2. Wow. It's like you have a twin Bosnia family. Glad to hear about the diaperless house now.

  3. This is pretty cool. I'llpost some pictures when we meet. :)
