Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Hot dogs and more about the weather

I've discovered that things here (like hot dogs) go bad in the fridge in no time. It turns out that it's not the fridge that's at fault, nor the food products... It's the fact that they don't seem to put as many preservatives in food as in the US. I'd say that's a good thing but it sure gets annoying. Mayo and sour cream will last for a measly couple of weeks (unlike months as I've grown used to). Same for hot dogs (will last 30 days from day of manufacture) and other similar prepackaged meat products. Since it is getting expensive to let our purchases go to ruin, we've decided to start freezing all items that would handle it and then cook them directly from the freezer. Sounds like a solid plan! By the way, hot dogs don't come precooked and ready to eat either. And they don't sell hot dog buns either...

Here is a little update on the heat as well. It's finally let up a little yesterday. Temperatures have been around 100; with no air conditioning mind you. We're slowly recovering and hope that the worse is behind us. After many, many sunny and hot days that have turned into drought, yesterday it stormed. The power went out and the wind got quite strong. We didn't even realize how strong the wind got until it was over and we saw that two of our neighbors roofs got picked up by the wind and tossed to the side. I also hear that many people had minor roof tile damage. Fortunately, we were fine other than being without power for hours. Today, weather is back to normal. It's been sunny though not quite as hot.

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