Friday, July 27, 2007


Apparently exotic events take place around here as well. On Wednesday around noon a meteor estimated to be about 100kg (say the size of a large person) flew over and exploded in the air and the pieces scattered about. They're looking for the meteor remnants now. No, I was not one of people that reported the sighting. I believe I was in bed taking a nap at the time. :)


  1. Hi M! I read your blog from October to July like it was a novel (this took several sittings). You've got drama, definitely comedy, and now sci-fi! Ok maybe it's not fiction but meteors are pretty exciting :)

    Sorry we never got to hang out before you all left. I think Jeff e-mails Chris now and then. He misses his buddies.

    The kids are adorable and seem to be adjusting well. Good luck with everything. I'll keep reading...


  2. Thank you for reading. Honestly, it's been hard keeping up with it because it's been so incredibly busy. I've not been sleeping much so the blog doesn't get a high priority. I am way behind now on posting. I think I stopped some time in May when we went on our vacation. Anyway, this will give me some encouragement to keep writing. :)
