Sunday, July 08, 2007

The move is on!

The great migration has commenced. We got the key some 10 days ago and slowly our things have been trickling to our new home. My dad and Chris have moved just about all of the furniture and the storage room we rented looks quite lonely now. We've managed to put together all of the closet shelving on our own and it looks great. The kitchen cabinets aren't quite done yet. Most of them are up but the sink hasn't been delivered. We hope that the kitchen will be wrapped up tomorrow so we can finally plug in our pretty new fridge and so we can give our dishwasher a test drive.

There is quite a lot of cleaning to do. As furniture and boxes are dragged and construction folks are still doing minor repairs and touch ups, the dirt is being tracked in. We still need to polish all of the floor (hardwood is standard here, there is no option to choose wall-to-wall carpeting). The kitchen cabinets need cleaning as well and that is going to be quite a task.

The first day to sleep there is planned for the next weekend. We have to wash all of the linens and towels s well as rewash all of the dishes. We're also waiting for the phone line to be connected. Having that is essential as we both work from the house. The Internet connection is a must these days.

We hope to have some pictures to share with you soon.


  1. Hooray! If all went as planned you should be there now. Congrats! Sorry that I was a little too early to see the 100% finished product. I know you enjoy having your own space again.

  2. Now you have to visit again... So, when are you coming? :)
