Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Leaving a good impression

Today was my last day at the office before returning to my telecomuting schedule. I am sure that I left a wonderful impression with everyone by oversleeping and showing up quite late for work. I still had quite a lot to get done this week so Sunday I got only slightly over an hour of sleep and Monday night about 5 hours. Well, last night I went to bed around two and simply failed to wake up when the alarm went off. I finally woke up at 9:40am. By the time I got ready and made it to work it was very close to 11:00. So, on my last day there I was terribly late. That made for an even busier day. Finally at 5:30 I managed to leave and took back the car that a friend so graciously loaned me for the entire month. Chris then picked me up to get me home.

At home I had a surprise waiting for me. As soon as I looked at Mia I knew that something was wrong. Her eyes were red, she had huge under eye circles and she had some type of rash on her back. Just lovely, I thought to myself. Grandma's nursing instincts kicked in and she jumped in with a diagnosis and medications. We hope for the best in the morning. Otherwise an already difficult trip will turn even worse. Traveling with a sick child has to be right up there on the list of things that we shouldn't do but we do it anyway just because we're not quite sane. Should I fail to post another blog after this, you'll know that I simply lost my sanity or ability to think coherently after the extra long trip with a sick and a naturally stubborn and opinionated 3 year old.

I'd better go get some sleep. It's 2:00am already.

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