Sunday, November 25, 2007

Vacation is almost over

We've enjoyed last couple of weeks very much. It's been busy but pleasant. If I didn't work the entire time it would have been even better. :)

We went to Atlanta for two days and visited Fernbank Museum (natural history museum) and the Atlanta aquarium. Kids enjoyed it quite a bit including the stay in the local hotel that featured an indoor swimming pool (grandpa made an excellent choice when making reservations). Eight of us rode in the van and it made for a very fun trip. Chris just bought a portable DVD player and I am thinking that now we're fully equipped to take kids on longer trips. I suggested that we do something really soon to which he replied that we haven't even completed this trip. :)

Here is a little activity overview... Kids went to McWane center several times, then to a number of playgrounds, to Chuckie Cheeses, met up with old daycare buddies to play (that was huge success, kids had a blast), visited relatives, bought and watched new cartoons, played new games, read new books... Chris and I got to visit with friends, go out a couple of times to dinner (hooray for Cheesecake Factory) and saw a few movies (movie review in a separate post), shopped (probably too much), and ate lots of turkey and cake on turkey day. I met with a number of friends over lunch which was really great too. All of this definitely made for a very memorable month but the time has come to head home. We're traveling on Wednesday and hope for a good trip. That remains to be seen. I have a couple of more days of work and then some more packing to finish.

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