Sunday, November 11, 2007

Rock bottom dollar

Dollar has reached it's rock bottom status. Simply stated, I freelance for US customers and get paid in US currency. When I convert the money to kunas, one dollar is worth less and less each day it seems and is at it's lowest exchange point ever. So money is just melting away even without us touching it. Had we not used our savings for a down payment on the condo last year and for furnishing the place, we definitely wouldn't have had enough cash anymore if we had to do it now. 4-5 years ago one dollar used to trade for some 7.3 kunas. Last year it was at about 6.3 kunas. Today for the first time it dropped under 5 to about 4.8 kunas. That just hurts. It's like everything keeps getting more expensive for us but not for others as their purchasing power isn't tied to USD.

Maybe we should just spend it all and clean out the account. Then we won't have to worry about it losing value? :) What do you all think?


  1. I'd be happy to "invest" it for you. I hear that big screen plasma TV's are excellent "investments". I'd manage your "investment" for you by turning it on and off several times a day. It's the least that I can do.

  2. No problem. I hear you guarantee great returns. Right? :)
