Thursday, April 19, 2007

Pictures from the coast

I finally got to go to the beach! Sort of. :) My sister and I went to the coast a couple of weeks ago to drop of my nephew, Domagoj, at a pulmonary treatment medical facility. Apparently the air there is supposed to be perfect for people with pulmonary problems (like asthmatics) so he usually spends 3 weeks there every spring starting with spring break. Unfortunately, we stayed there for only three hours and then headed back home. But, the scenery was so beautiful. It looks very similar to what you’ve seen in the movies about Italy. Picturesque stone homes, curvy, steep roads, and of course, beautiful sea. We plan on going as a family in about a month and I look forward to a week of sunny weather in Southern Croatia close to Dubrovnik. My sister in law is coming so we’ll all go together while she’s here.

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