Monday, April 16, 2007

Tax time!

That joyous time of the year is here again. Yes, even though we're not there with you, we still have to do the dreaded taxes. There or not, we're still obligated to file taxes every year. I completed the federal tax return via TurboTax and have e-filed it last nigh. But, I don't have a copy of our last year's return (it's somewhere in storage with dozens of other boxes) so we still have to send a sheet of paper to IRS with our signatures on it. I was going to complete everything online but in addition to the federal thing I need to mail, it turns out that I can't e-file Alabama return since we no longer live in Alabama. That's a real nuisance. So for the first time in a very long time, we'll be filing via snail mail. To make things more fun, I ran out of checks (I was planning on paying online, electronically) and the rest of the checks are packed up somewhere as well. So, we'll use some ancient ones that somehow hid in my otherwise empty checkbook. The checks still say SouthTrust Bank on them instead of Wachovia. Oh well. It should still work out. I don't think our money will be turned down. And yes, we ended up owing on both federal and state. Oh what fun. :)

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