Saturday, April 28, 2007

School decisions

Yesterday we went to visit a small Montessori daycare and elementary school. They have a total of some 70 kids 20 of which are in daycare and the rest in first through fourth grade of elementary school. Coming from a posh Birmingham daycare, we've not been overly happy with a city daycare here and we knew right away that it wouldn't be a permanent solution for us. Here everything (daycare included) rotates around the school year. That means that daycare and school admissions are typically taken care of in May for the next school year starting the first week of September. I found this Montessori school online and thought it interesting enough to check out. I couldn't have been more pleased when we've visited the facilities. People were nice, toys, kids, everything. We somehow got past the waiting list as I know that there is a waiting list to get into this school as it is rather small. We got a call several hours later that we were accepted. We're very excited and hope that it will work out really well. It'll be safer for the kids. They'll have access to dance, tae-kwon-do, ceramics, piano, art and other classes in addition to the regular school program. They'll also do a lot of practical, hands-on work and a lot of art. Ivor in particular, is likely to respond well to that environment as he loves projects. His dislikes are having to sit down and write so this type of environment is likely to suit him well.

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