Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Blast from the past

2007 was a year to revisit some past events that I truly haven't thought of in many, many years. It seems that 2008 will most definitely continue that trend. I just got a note from a college friend, then an international student from Germany, that I haven't seen in some 16-17 years. Just saying that makes me feel old. It's nice to reconnect though and to know that people remember me. I honestly didn't think that so many people would. Just like all college students I felt invisible at times. A few weeks ago I got a note from a computer science club buddy. It was nice to see happy family pictures on his blog. All of us from high school and college got scattered, literally, all over the world yet I am still in touch with so many. Hooray for Internet and e-mail!

Last year I had my 15th high school reunion and that felt strange. It was a wonderful opportunity to renew relationships and to see what became of all of us "kids". Now we all look older and most of us are married with kids but I've noticed that everyone's behaviors and personalities stayed exactly the same as I remember even though years have passed.

Last week I got a note from a local journalist here (see her previous blog comment entry) and we exchanged a couple of e-mails. That e-mail exchange got me thinking about the past and I pulled out some old pictures. I even found the all important letter I wrote to my parents in December of 1991. That was an interesting read. In it I told them that I decide to stay in the US on my own and hoped to get their blessing. Now I know where my Mia gets her stubborn streak. :)

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