Tuesday, January 15, 2008

The death of a snowman

With a heavy heart I would like to announce that Snowy (as kids have named him) has perished yesterday, a victim of January sunshine and sudden rise of temperatures. First his carrot nose fell of, then the pebble eyes fell to the ground, and then his left "arm". We knew the end was near when we came home to find his head had rolled away. Mere shadow of a snowman, it was just a matter of hours before he ceased to exist. On a brighter side though, I heard that special snowmen like this one, tend to come back if there are willing kids around to help remake him. I got a couple of those snow-loving kids and they keep persistently bugging me and asking if it will snow again. Judging by current temperatures, it certainly doesn't seem likely. However, that too could suddenly change. Stay tuned...

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