Monday, January 07, 2008

Thanks for stopping by

May I just point out that I've been doing extremely well this year. This is my 6th post in 7 days since 2008 made its debut. I have my doubts that I'll be able to continue this winning blogging frenzy. Certainly not for the lack of having things to say (just ask Chris, I can talk his ears off in no time) but because it's hard to make time.

I've noticed that my readership has increased to more than just close friends and family. It's a flattering thought and I appreciate all of you visiting our family blog.

1 comment:

  1. Hi M! Hope you and the family had a great holiday (looks like you did). Good luck with the blogging. I enjoy reading it on my downtime at work. I've been keeping a similar 'journal' at home and I have to play catch-up all the time. I'm proud of what things I have written though. Prior to 2007, my life was undocumented!

    Happy New Year!
