Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Down the slope

It snowed lightly yesterday and today. It was nice outside this afternoon so we went outside to play. After donning on appropriate multi-layered winter gear (it is quite chilly these days), we borrowed some sleds (we haven't bought any yet) and I took the kids for their first ever sledding experience. Ivor absolutely loved it. He caught on immediately, figuring out how to make the sled go faster and how to slow it down. Afterwards he announced that he'd love to learn how to ice skate as well as ski. We'll see about that. Mia declined to go down the slope. It must have looked too scary.
Upon our return home we took it upon us to build a first ever Phillips family snowman. He was dashing featuring two delicate branches and our kitchen pot that otherwise rarely gets any use. The look was completed with two dark pebbles and, to kids' delight, a carrot that we just happened to have handy.
You can see our home in the background in it's "lovely" peach/gray glory. :) Entrance into the building is on the left. Two top floors are ours. You can see some of our decorative sculptures peeking through the windows.

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