Sunday, January 06, 2008

Budding artists

Our corner bathtub is situated under a sharply slanted ceiling so it is actually possible to touch the ceiling drywall. Today I discovered scribbles in one place and couldn't help but smile. Offending party seems to have used one of bathtub crayons to embellish the ceiling. The ceiling must have been too white or too irresistibly close, or perhaps both. Both kids were appropriately reprimanded (but not punished) as neither would accept responsibility. I can't exactly encourage them to do this but in actuality I didn't mind so much. The place has a lot more personality now. This adds to the decor of dirt stained wall around the light switch in the small bathroom. That's how they mark their territory. :)


  1. Hello, my name is Helena and I'm a juornalist for one croatian daily newspaper. I was born in Zagreb, and I have been living here for 27 years now. I was really stuned by your fascination with my home town. When you see omething everyday you start seeing them differently.
    What I would really like to know is how did you decide to come here. As I understood you it was a very big decision.
    And why Croatia, of all the countries in the world? Are you a Croat, or your husband? What do you in Zagreb, for a living I meen? I see you like it, do you miss America? Did you regret your desicion to come here and have you ever thought to go back?
    I will continue to reed your blog from time to time. Hope to be hearing from you soon.

  2. You can reach me at and we can chat a bit. Let me know.

  3. Bathtub crayons? That sounds strangely familiar. I might be guilty of aiding and abetting in the crime. I throw myself at the mercy of the court.

  4. It sure is your fault mister! You'd better come over and clean it up.
